

He was born in Athens in 1983. He graduated from the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Athens in 2006 and got his MA from the Department of Modern Greek Literature of the University of Crete in 2010. In December 2014 he supported his doctoral thesis at the University of Crete on “The reception of Cretan Literature by the Greek and European critical discourse of the 19th century: From ‘popular literature’ in the National Literary Canon” (supervisor: Stefanos Kaklamanis). From 2010 to date he has participated in many international conferences and his papers have been published in journals such as O Eranistes and Kretika Chronika. His research deals mainly with the reception of older Modern Greek literature, the nature of Phanariot literature, but in the essence they investigate the formation of Modern Greek cultural identity in the 19th century. He specializes in the older Modern Greek literature (17th-19th c.) and its place in the discourse networks of reception, criticism, literary history and the history of ideas.
